Buscapé, the power of saving money in the palm of your hand. Do a search on Buscapé whenever you want to buy something and take advantage of unique opportunities!
You can compare prices, check users and specialists’ reviews about whichever product you have in your wish list, find special offers and discounts and never miss a chance to make a deal that suit your needs – including deals in physical stores!
If the salesman don’t propose a suitable deal, you can also check for the same products in nearby stores, thereby empowering you to make an even better deal.
Download Buscapé app for free and count on:
- The most complete catalog of products among retailers – including technical details of each product;
- Search filters that help you find the desired product for the cheapest price;
- Users’ review about stores and products;
- Online retailer’s offers that help you compare prices, purchase and save money whenever you go;
- Nearby physical stores map;
- Barcode scanning;
The app includes the biggest Brazilian retailers, such as Americanas, Submarino, Shoptime, Extra, Pontofrio, Casas Bahia, Walmart, Magazine Luiza, Netshoes, Saraiva, Fast Shop, Dafiti and more.
Buscapé, the best ecommerce and comparison shopping platform of Latin America.